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Chair of Governors Welcome

Callum Jones - Chair of Governors

On behalf of the governors I would like to thank you for considering Ysgol T. Gwynn Jones as your child’s school.
Ysgol T. Gwynn Jones offers excellent opportunities for learning. The Headteacher, Miss Rickard and her dedicated team work extremely hard to ensure each child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.
As Governors our aim is to be both supportive of the school whilst also acting as a  ‘critical friend’  to ensure the school is maintaining high standards.
I look forward to welcoming you as part of the T. Gwynn Jones community.
Complaints Procedures:
If at any time you have a complaint about school in any way please follow these steps.
1: Speak with the class teacher of your child to try and resolve the issue.
​2: If the class teacher is unable to solve your concern, please see the Headteacher.
3: If this does not solve your concern please address your concern to myself, the Chair of Governors via a confidential letter.
Please mark the letter confidential and address it to:
FAO Callum Jones Chair Of Governors
Ysgol T Gwynn Jones 
Llanelian Road
Old Colwyn
LL29 9UA